Visa application

CISV Denmark has a pre-approval from the Danish Immigration Service to help international participants facilitate the process of applying for a visa.

Also see Procedure for international stab – including the Appendix with a list of visa-requiring countries that international staffs can not be invited from according to Danish law. (Delegations and individual participants can apply).

(For translation: you can use for documents)

Informations needed for applying for a visa

– for international participants who must have a visa to Denmark.

If you are a part of a delegation please fill in the form for every participant in your delegation.

Desværre - noget er gået galt og din forespørgsel er ikke blevet afsendt!!
Thank you for your input.
When CISV Denmark's National Secretary has submitted the invitation at the Danish immigration authorities, an invitation ID will automatically be generated for each visa applicant.
You will then be contacted by the Secretary.
If you fill in this form for a participant in a delegation, please mention the name of the leader

The visa applicant – the person applying for a visa

Please choose
Please use your myCISV alias (and check that you receive emails from it)
REMEMBER country code
Tilladte tegn er: 0-9
Tilladte tegn er: a-z A-Z 0-9

The organization in the home country

CISV ...
REMEMBER country code
Tilladte tegn er: 0-9
If your CISV organization is only one single chapter, please fill in CISV [Country]
That is are you aware of international participans from the country in recent times?

Tidspunkt for og formål med besøget

Tilladte tegn er: 0-9

Finances in connection with travel and accommodation

Fill in camp site address from PreCamp 1 or 2

Bemærk: Alle data, du indtaster i denne formular, slettes d. 27-10-2024

